Welcome to the Magnolia Bayou Neighborhood Website

Thank you for coming and visiting our website.  Our neighborhood is located south of Hwy 90, east of the park road to the Gulf Shores National Sea Shore Park.  It is a premier neighborhood, known for its varied house architecture and wooded lots.  We hope that you find what you are looking for and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to use the Feedback link to the left.

2024 Spring General Meeting

Thanks to everyone who showed up for our meeting.  We had enough for a quorum and were able to discuss many subjects that are important to our neighborhood

Spring Garage Sale

We will be having our Spring Garage Sale on May 4, from 7 AM to 12 PM. The Homeowners Association will take care of advertisement and signs at the neighborhood entrances.


Annual Dues for 2024

Letters were sent out at the beginning of the year for dues, which have been increased to $125 a year.  Second notices were put out two weeks ago, and soon we will be mailing out third notices which will also notify those individuals that liens will be placed against those properties that are in arrears.

If you have not received any notices, it could be that you are new to the neighborhood and we don't have your name in our mailing list.  Please let us know by filling out a feed back form, which you can find on the left side of this page.

Board and ARB Members

Our current board members are:

  • President:  Bob Zittleman
  • Vice-President: Skip St. Amant
  • Treasurer: Christopher Friedley
  • Secretary: Keri Friedley
  • Members at Large
    • Marty Capalbo
    • Kim Davis
    • Brian Clark

Members email addresses

At the last General Meeting it was agreed that we would create a form to collect member emails. The purpose is to provide a faster means of contacting the membership on items of general information. The emails that are collected will not be sold or given to any third parties, but only used for Magnolia Bayou Homeowners Association business.

You can use the link to the left, or click here.